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Your Choices Matter-Tips to Make This Year Great!



Growing up a sick kid really sucked! Not only for me but my parents. Chronic tonsillitis,ear infections,not sleeping,over weight,frequent visits to the doctor,and the stress it added to my parents lives ,at a time when they were new to this great country.

In the 21st century,EPIGENETICS, a new area of science looking at the expression of our genes from the choices we make,is making a big splash.  . Our genes are not our destiny,OUR CHOICES are! How you chose to EAT,MOVE and THINK directly effect your health potential!!Research supports this crucial finding ,in the above published study.I love the feeling that I do get a choice of what my health will be like and that we are no longer  captive to our genetics. As you move into this new year,you will need to know your WHY, behind the difference you want to make in your life and health this year,or the changes like most years will not stick.This is why RESOLUTIONS don’t work. When your why is BIG enough,the hows take care of them themselves. My family is my WHY! I am part of the 5am club. This means I am up  at 5:00 am 3x/wk, so I can get my butt to the gym. This gives me my energy to plan,organize and do the things I need to get done for each day.Weekends if I am not at hockey with my son for 6am, I am up getting sh.. done!

What ever health challenge you face,your CHOICES DO MATTER! How you chose to eat ,move ,think and whether you have a clear brain and spine connection are all choices you can make so you get live your EXTRAORDINARY life!

I would love to know what your SOLUTIONS are [not resolutions] and what habits will you put in place to make this year ,your best year?!

If you are looking to gain some knowledge and inspiration for improving your energy,losing weight once and for all,improving your sleep and reducing metabolic inflammation,then join us at our Advanced Nutrition and Wellness workshop on Wed.Jan. 25, 7-8pm. I will have our nutritionist join me in presenting this powerful workshop so you can make this year your best ever, click here to sign up,

In Health


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